Posts Tagged ‘affections’

If you love God, why?  Do you love Him because of what He does or because of who He is?  This is a very important distinction.  And it is most clearly seen in how we view adversity/trial/tragedy.

Moving beyond the initial shock and emotional pain caused by such things, those who merely love God for what He does will find it hard to continue to love Him when difficulty does strike.  And perhaps those people choose to express a love for God initially but as time goes on and the weight and effect of the difficulty/tragedy continues to take its toll; those who only love God for His benefits will soon buckle under the pressure.  Whether outwardly or inwardly they will go the way of Job’s first wife, choosing to “curse God and die.”  Of course the choice to curse God and die because of what happens is an admission that God exists; and is at least somewhat admirable.  Some go so far as to reject the very notion of God merely on the basis of such tragedies and difficulties that they endure.  And regardless of the reality that none of us really deserve good from God, we all still feel that He owes it to us.  And so when He doesn’t give it, we become bitter and angry.

However, for those who love God for who He is; no amount of tragedy or difficulty will change that love.  Because in all of it, we know that God never changes in His essential character.  He is always good.  He is always love.  His disposition to His godly ones is always grace and benevolence.  Knowing that He never changes, always, at all times, gives reason for those who truly love Him to praise Him and rejoice in Him.  Certainly pain comes.  Certainly disappointment comes.  Certainly we fail to understand His purpose and methods in some tragedy and adversity that we endure.  But we know that none of those things changes who He is.  He gives, and He takes away.  Blessed be His name.  This is the anchor of our soul.  This is star that guides our way in the bleakest of nights.  God is God.  He is not a man that He should change His disposition towards us for no good reason…or even for a reason that we think is good.  His disposition toward those who love Him, toward those who He has called according to His purpose, is always love.  And so long as He continues to be the “I am”; so shall His disposition be toward those who are His.

So, the question becomes, why do you love God?  I know that adversity/trial/tragedy will come in this life.  It may affect me in a more profound way than I had ever expected.  No one knows what tomorrow may hold.  But we do know, and we must trust that God will continue to be God.  And that as much change as we undergo, finite as our existence is, He will never change in His love for us.  Love Him for who He is, love Him as He is; and there you will find great reward.  Love Him merely for what He does for you, and even in what good He brings to you, you will never find true satisfaction.